Friday, 3 August 2007

Well, here goes.....

I've wanted to start a blog for a long time as it seems like a great way to put your life in print. I'm good a waffling and very good at analysing EVERYTHING so I thought this would be a good way to get it out.

Oh no, faced with a blank page, I've got writers block (except I'm no writer!), probably because I've got so much to say I don't know where to start.

I'm a mature (?) student, studying to be a teacher with the unrealistic view that when I'm qualified I'm going to change the world...and teach people how to be kind. I'm married and have two sons, one is 15 and one is 12. I've got three cats and a dog and I rescue hedgehogs as an obsession.

I'm a virgo and I think that label affects the way I behave as I'm totally neurotic and insecure, I thrive on stress but am the messiest most disorganised person in the world. I go to bed late, get up late (except on uni days :( ) and drink far too much red wine and smoke when I'm drunk - it's the addictive nature and no willpower!

I'm not in the least bit religious and believe in the powers of mother nature. I love the seasons, my favourite being autumn with her glorious smells, colours and nostalgia, although I do love the spring as it signifies new beginnings and new life. In fact, I like all the seasons just as they are, but autumn is definitely my favourite.

I'm stupid and immature most of the time and I have a foul temper. I laugh at inappropriate things and take people at face value, stupidly as I often end up getting hurt or used.

I am incredibly shy until I get to know someone although I have developed the terrible habit of saying what I think, and more worryingly feel, as I've got older as I've realised life is too short not too. BUT, this sometimes makes people think you are strange!!

My dad died 10 years ago and my whole perspective changed. As a family we were devastated and I felt like someone had stuck a knife in my gut and twisted it (a bit of a cliche, sorry) but seeing unfinished stuff left around by my dad made me realise that you have to grab life and live it now as you never know what's around the corner.

I'm happiest when I'm outside, preferably barefooted so I can feel the earth beneath my feet and if I'm feeling stressed that's how I chill out.

I worry incesantly and play the worst possibly senarios in my head constantly but despite all this I promise I'm not too mad!

Well, I don't think I did too badly considering I couldn't think of anything to say. Are you meant to be this honest in a blog??? Lol!!

Ali x

1 comment:

nicola said...

Great Blog start!

Oh im a virgo too so can relate to everything that you have just written!